Make an informed choice
Are you facing foreclosure and feeling stressed about your home?
We can help!
Call (949)326-1077
Property Taxes Due?
Facing Foreclosure?
Inherited a home?
Our affiliates are experienced in property tax rules and regulations, as well as dealing with state and county bureaucracies.
Expertise of local and state government programs to reduce/freeze/or extend property tax payments.
Creative financing solutions
How to save your property once it is eligible for a property tax auction
Inheriting a home is usually good news, but it can quickly put you in a financial bind in terms of taxes and other liabilities that may come with it. You don’t want to sell under duress.
While foreclosure may seem like the worst case scenario, it can actually be a starting point for saving your home. Lenders don’t like to foreclose and we are well versed in dealing with lenders to find a solution.
Transferring property from the decedent to an heir(s) – probate expertise.
Selling/Financing options for heirs with partial interest in a property/estate.
No Will or Trust? No Problem. Let our experts guide you.
Advice on how to work with your lender
Helping you understand the stages of the process and the timing of auctions, etc.
Financing options – ways you might be able to borrow against or refinance your home